Ocean Plastic Waste Reduction
Indonesia is a major contributor, second only to China, to the amount of plastic waste in the world’s oceans. As such, the government has committed to an ambitious target of reducing ocean plastic waste by 75 percent in 2025. Reducing waste requires comprehensive solution not only through “end-of-pipe” waste management, but starting from the product design itself, and through the adoption of circular economy, where waste management is incorporated in the product design in the first place. It also requires creative and innovative solutions to waste management, including development of new technologies as well as sustainable financing and entrepreneurial capability.
Landscape Indonesia is partnering with SystemIQ through its Project STOP (Stop Ocean Plastics) in developing innovative solutions to ocean plastic waste in Indonesia. Project STOP “uses a system enabler approach” in which a team of experts in waste management, plastic recycling, organics management, behavior change, and program governance help a city design and implement a low-cost waste management system in which all households and institutions benefit from collection, and plastics are kept out of the environment.
With an Indonesian technology developer, Indonesia is currently developing a scaling-up plan for pyrolysis technology to convert plastic wastes back into oil and use it for fuel.