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Net Zero Support Program
“Code red for humanity”, Antonio Guterrez, Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) was quoted as saying, on the recently released Science Base part of the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The report highlights the fact that the window to act to combat the climate crisis is rapidly closing. The Paris Agreement commits the world to keep global heating well below 2 degrees Celsius (°C) above that in the pre-industrial era, and put serious effort to keep it not to exceed 1.5 °C. Today, the globe has reached about 1.2 °C hotter than the beginning of the industrial revolution.
Reducing Plastic Waste While Producing Fuel
Imagine when plastics (which are made of oil) can be processed and reversed back to become oil again and is used as fuels. Possible? Not only is it possible, it can be done in a very cost-effective way. Pyrolysis – a way to burn materials without the presence of oxygen – can do just that. We use refined pyrolysis technology in a small-scale machine (about 5 kg – 100 kg processing capacity) to turn every kilogram (kg) of plastic waste into one liter of fuels, mainly diesel fuel that is readily usable.
LandTrace / LandCoop is a platform that sits in the public domain that provides traceability information regarding specific commodity products. It is powered by blockchain technology so that it maintains the integrity of the data, and keeps ownership of the data in the hands of their original owners. But the innovative part of LandTrace / LandCoop is the business model. Commodity trader only pays per use, namely a small fraction of their unit price, when they use the traceability information from LandTrace / LamdCoop.
Landscape Incubation Facility for the Environment (LIFE)
Landscape Incubation Facility for the Environment (LIFE) is a program that incubates good social and environmental business ideas into viable businesses, while scaling up social and environmental businesses to produce larger impacts. LIFE carries it out through programmatic mentoring and fund raising.
Circular Economy
Circular economy is another way of looking at production and consumption. In Circular economy, the use of extracted raw materials is to be minimized as it seeks to find materials that are otherwise wasted from within or outside of its industry. Landscape Indonesia, Alpha Beta, and SystemIQ are in a consortium advising the Government of Indonesia towards the formulation of a "roadmap" for circular economy in Indonesia.
Ocean Plastic Waste Reduction
Reducing waste requires comprehensive solution not only through “end-of-pipe” waste management, but starting from the product design itself, and through the adoption of circular economy, where waste management is incorporated in the product design in the first place.
Responsible Timber Exchange (RTX)
Responsible Timber Exchange (RTX) is a digital marketplace platform to facilitate global trading of legally and sustainably-produced timber products, including from Indonesia.
Inclusive and Innovative Financing in Jurisdiction
Landscape Indonesia, The Forest Alliance and its collaborators on Jurisdiction Collective Action Forum promoting investing in jurisdiction Approach. The Jurisdiction Collective Action Forum (JCAF) held its third dialogue on October 15th, 2021, focusing on “Financing Jurisdiction Approach Toward Green Prosperity” and diving into regulatory frameworks, principles, standards, and guidelines to mobilize investments for jurisdictional-scale performance from the perspectives of the Indonesian government, non-state actors, donors, and investors. Jurisdiction Approach promotes partnership low carbon development and strengthens development through inclusive, innovative sustainable financing for deforestation-free and highly productive agriculture commodities. The experiences of JA in East Kalimantan and Bio-Carbon Fund-ISLF in Jambi, supported by the UK Government and the World Bank, demonstrated that a blended finance scheme is essential to attract sustainable financing to the jurisdictions. Equally critical is the support from governments, especially regarding regulation implementation and enforcement. Forclime shared lessons learned from JA initiatives in West Kalimantan and Central Sulawesi and highlighted the need to lay out a successful benchmark. Further, the Seruyan experience provided some practical steps to implement a jurisdictional approach, such as training, funding, legal documents, shared resources and inclusivity. In conclusion, this approach provides an inspiring vision and a potential entry point for sustainable financing prospects while paving the way toward green prosperity.