Inclusive and Innovative Financing in Jurisdiction
Landscape Indonesia, The Forest Alliance and its collaborators on Jurisdiction Collective Action Forum promoting investing in jurisdiction Approach. The Jurisdiction Collective Action Forum (JCAF) held its third dialogue on October 15th, 2021, focusing on “Financing Jurisdiction Approach Toward Green Prosperity” and diving into regulatory frameworks, principles, standards, and guidelines to mobilize investments for jurisdictional-scale performance from the perspectives of the Indonesian government, non-state actors, donors, and investors.
Jurisdiction Approach promotes partnership low carbon development and strengthens development through inclusive, innovative sustainable financing for deforestation-free and highly productive agriculture commodities.
The experiences of JA in East Kalimantan and Bio-Carbon Fund-ISLF in Jambi, supported by the UK Government and the World Bank, demonstrated that a blended finance scheme is essential to attract sustainable financing to the jurisdictions. Equally critical is the support from governments, especially regarding regulation implementation and enforcement. Forclime shared lessons learned from JA initiatives in West Kalimantan and Central Sulawesi and highlighted the need to lay out a successful benchmark. Further, the Seruyan experience provided some practical steps to implement a jurisdictional approach, such as training, funding, legal documents, shared resources and inclusivity. In conclusion, this approach provides an inspiring vision and a potential entry point for sustainable financing prospects while paving the way toward green prosperity.