A key aspect of sustainable landscape management is to have well-developed businesses that support, instead of destroy, healthy landscapes.  Undertaking sustainable landscape management as a business venture will sustain the initiatives and activities.  Moreover, sustainable landscape management requires innovative sustainable financing.  Landscape Indonesia advises on how to optimize different financing mechanisms to fit exactly with the needs. It is also in the process of developing Landscape Incubation Facility for Environmental Entrepreneurship (LIFE).

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“Code red for humanity”, Antonio Guterrez, Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) was quoted as saying, on the recently released Science Base part of the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The report highlights the fact that the window to act to combat the climate crisis is rapidly closing. The Paris Agreement commits the world to keep global heating well below 2 degrees Celsius (°C) above that in the pre-industrial era, and put serious effort to keep it not to exceed 1.5 °C. Today, the globe has reached about 1.2 °C hotter than the beginning of the industrial revolution.

28 Jan 2022
Reducing Plastic Waste While Producing Fuel

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Climate Financing and Carbon Market

Achieving emission reduction targets in Indonesia’s Nationally Determined Contributions requires massive financial resources. While a big part ¾ about 70 percent ¾ of the commitments are to be financed by own resources, the remaining needs to be financed through international cooperation, most likely through results-based climate financing (RBCF). Moreover, when coupled with NDC, carbon market may provide additional reduction for Indonesia. Meanwhile selling carbon ¾ coupled with NDC or beyond NDC ¾ could also bring in much needed investments into Indonesia while reducing emissions.

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LandTrace / LandCoop is a platform that sits in the public domain that provides traceability information regarding specific commodity products. It is powered by blockchain technology so that it maintains the integrity of the data, and keeps ownership of the data in the hands of their original owners. But the innovative part of LandTrace / LandCoop is the business model. Commodity trader only pays per use, namely a small fraction of their unit price, when they use the traceability information from LandTrace / LamdCoop.

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Landscape Incubation Facility for the Environment (LIFE)

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10 Sep 2020