During the implementation of green reset study, the media is occupied in informing Indonesia's participation in the COP26 forum. Nationally, various webinars convey Indonesia's efforts to meet Net Zero Emission target by 2060, both from the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas with Second Low Carbon Development Report, and Ministry of Environment and Forestry with land-based sector target to meet net zero by 2030. Landscape Indonesia in collaboration with the media industry KataData have taken part in organized a webinar to obtain information and insight on efforts to reduce emissions in the Energy and Land sector as well as Indonesia's readiness for COP26 in Glasgow.


Landscape Indonesia in collaboration with KataData, has designed the theme: Sustainable Action for the Future Economy (SAFE). In the second SAFE Forum in 2021, Landscape Indonesia is endorsing the substance of the green reset study which using the Covid -19 pandemic as an opportunity to shape the recovery and steer the global economy towards a more sustainable direction, and Road to COP26 Glasgow. Both the SAFE and Road to COP26 were covered by national TV media, social media, and broadcast to the youtube channel.


Landscape Indonesia (Agung Wicaksono) has conducted the webinar of SAFE Forum in 23 August to chair discussion on the green reset: driving sustainable growth after COVID-19. The target of webinar is cover government, corporation, and civil society organization to think about concrete action in actualizing a sustainable economy in Indonesia. The discussion on green reset is accompanied the CEO Landscape Indonesia: The Minister of National Development Planning; Ministry of Finance, President of Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development, and member of the Commission VIII of Indonesian Parliament (Energy, Research, Technology and Environment). In addition, Agus Sari has also moderated the panel discussion on the carbon training regulation in Indonesia.


To support the nation’s climate action commitment towards COP26 in Glasgow early November 2021, Katadata and Landscape Indonesia presents “The Road to COP 26”, will conduct a campaign and a three days online event (21,22 and 25 October), focusing on collaborative efforts to tackle the climate crisis particularly in Indonesia


Landscape Indonesia team (Agus Sari, Adrianus Hendrawan, and Binny Buchori) contributed in moderating the three days Webinar Road to COP26 Glasgow with title: A Climate Superpower Indonesia: Collaborative Efforts to Tackle Climate. The key resources who participated in the discussion are form:

§  Government sector (DG of Climate Change Control,Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Director for Development, Economic, and Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affair; Assistant Deputy Agro, Farmacy and Tourism, Ministry of Coordinating Economy)

§  Private sector The Association of Forest Indonesia Forest Concessioner Holders (APHI), PT PLN, Head of Corporate Sustainability PT. Bank HSBC Indonesia; Head of Climate and Water Stewardship Danone Indonesia; President Director PT Rimba Makmur Utama

§  Others: The COP26 Ambassador for Asia Pacific; and Executive Director of Institute for Essential Service Reforms.



In addition, a live report from the COP26 in Glasgow, the CEO Landscape Indonesia has interviewed by reporter Ayestu from a podcast program Asumsi Bersuara to provide information around the President of Indonesia Pledge in World Summit in Glasgow, especially on the Indonesia’s track record in dealing on deforestation, mangrove and peat restoration and the effort of forestry and energy sector met the net zero emission target on 2060. The interview can be found in this link: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0VSXGFnwn7UcDcRQInMLkF