Sri Indrastuti (Tuti) Hadiputranto
Sri Indrastuti (Tuti) Hadiputranto
Mrs. Hadiputranto is the Chair of the Board of Directors of PT. Bentang Alam Indonesia. One of the founding partners of Hadiputranto, Hadinoto, and Partners (HHP), or Baker MacKenzie Indonesia, Mrs. Hadiputranto is a well-respected lawyer. She is a senior partner in the firm’s Corporate & Securities Practice Group. She serves as chairman of the Capital Market Lawyers' Professional Standards Board and head of the Research and Development for the Capital Market Lawyers’ Association, where she is responsible for reviewing drafts of various securities regulations. Her professional affiliations likewise include membership to the Indonesian Legal Consultants Association and the Indonesian Legal Consultants Association. She also sits as member of the Board of Advisors of USINDO (the United States-Indonesia Society). Ms. Hadiputranto was the first lawyer to be registered with Bapepam to carry out capital market work in Indonesia. She has since been heavily involved in mergers and acquisitions and debt and corporate restructuring work for telecommunications and other major Indonesian companies.